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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Energy Citizens" <>
Date: November 12, 2013 4:10:49 PM CST
To: <>
Subject: Freezing is NOT an Option - Repeal the RFS
Reply-To: "Energy Citizens" <>
Dear Bobby,
We all know what the ethanol mandate could do – the vehicle and engine damage…the higher business and consumer costs…the devastation it could bring to America's food crops. We cannot allow Congress – and the EPA – to keep kicking this can down the road.
Tell Congress how you feel – repeal the ethanol mandate NOW!
First Congress talks about a short-term fix for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Now the EPA is considering minor revisions that would marginally soften the rigid, destructive ethanol mandates imposed by this fundamentally flawed law.
Why tinker around with something that we all admit simply does not work?
The ethanol mandate is out of touch with the realities of American energy demand, the refining process, and our essential national fuel supply.
The RFS is a bad law and no amount of revision will ever change that. Even in this day and age of a Congress that can't seem to agree on anything, this is a no brainer!Tell Congress to do the right thing – repeal the ethanol mandate NOW!
A two- or three-year freeze is not what America needs. We deserve a comprehensive solution. It's time for Congress to stop playing politics with our fuel. They need to listen to the American people and repeal the ethanol mandate!
The Energy Citizens Team
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