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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Katy" <>
Date: March 31, 2014 11:30:23 PM CDT
To: <>
Subject: FW: Show Strength with Action
Reply-To: "Katy" <>
Hi Bobby,
I hope you saw our email last week about the Cove Point LNG terminal. I'm reaching out because you can make a difference on this important issue.
Anti-energy activists are overwhelming the Public Service Commission with comments in an attempt to prevent upgrades to the LNG facility. That's why it's imperative that you help fight back.
The situation in Ukraine tells us we can no longer afford to let environmental extremists dictate our energy future. Vladimir Putin may not care about words, but by exporting LNG we can show we are serious about being an energy super power and help bring security to our allies.
The simplest way for you to lend a hand is by taking two minutes out of your day to send your comment to the Public Service Commission: And if you're interested in getting more involved, shoot me an email at
Thanks for speaking out on this important issue, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
— Katy
Energy Citizens CoordinatorFrom: Energy Citizens
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 6:00 PM
To: Bobby
Subject: Show Putin We are an Energy Superpower
Dear Bobby,
In light of the ongoing crisis in the Ukraine and calls from the ambassadors of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and several other nations in Europe, America's allies throughout the world need our government to step up and embrace its role as a domestic energy producer and world Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) exporter.
Vladimir Putin may not care about words, but by exporting LNG we can show we are serious about being an energy superpower and help bring security to our allies.
Take a stand for American energy!
As the number one producer of natural gas, we have the resources to fuel our country and export our natural gas to the world. For this to happen, though, we need the right infrastructure. Right now an export upgrade is being considered for the Cove Point LNG facility in Calvert County Maryland. Unfortunately, anti-energy activists are doing all they can to prevent this project from being approved.
Help make the world more energy secure through U.S. energy exports.
Tell the Maryland Public Service Commission that approving Cove Point is in our national interest. Not only will more LNG exports help our allies, they will also grow our economy. The Cove Point LNG project will add 3,000 local jobs and, once in operation, $40 million each year to the economy. The project is a win-win for America. Let regulators know that our nation needs them to make the right decision.
The Energy Citizens Team
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